Rich Hart
American Real Estate University Instructor

Rich is a prominent Business Dynamics Coach, International Real Estate Broker and Finance/ Wealth
Consultant. Specializes in entrepreneurial and corporate business structuring as a “FOCUS Strategy Planning
Developer” with Corporate offices in Georgia and New York. Prior to his speaking career, he spent over 35
years as a business executive and entrepreneurial professional in International Corporate America developing
and intergrading operating practices for national and international business corporations. His organizational
expertise as a Re-Structuring Business Specialist has prominently influenced various business fields of
Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, Finance, Technology & Real Estate. He is
most recognized as a Corporate Business Development Educator & FOCUS Consultant for numerous profit and
non-profit entities across the country. Rich is an accomplished International Real Estate Broker, Wealth &
Finance Consultant, Speaker, and Instructor for the National Association of REALTORS®, REBAC (Real
Estate Buyers Accredited Council), REBI (Real Estate Business Institute) and was inducted into the REBAC
Hall of Fame in 2016, as well as received the “2019 Distinguished Educator Award” for REBI (Real Estate
Business Institute). As a Human Behavioral Resource Consultant, he provides best hiring avenues and people
solutions for today's most diverse business environments. As a “Health of Wealth” Finance Consultant, he
provides numerous avenues of restoring wealth initiatives to the growing generations. As an accomplished
Body Builder, National Certified Fitness and Nutrition Consultant, he brings the “Health of Wealth” to the
forefront of the wide world of Personal & Business Development, International Real Estate and Financial
Solution Services.